I'm starting to think an orderly transition to the currently unpopular VP would work if she took a leaf from an old book and gave a really good speech in honour of Joe Biden and the importance of continuing his policies, to match the equally then-unpopular LBJ's 'Let Us Continue' speech of 27 November 1963, which elevated him from vice-presidential obscurity and underestimation (as seems typical for VPs) and helped to secure his election in 1964:
As to the evidently increasing gerontocracy of the USA, by no means confined to the two current presidential candidates, it reminds me of the Soviet Union in the early-1980s days of Yuri Andropov and Konstantin Chernenko, arguably a most alarming parallel; although in those Able Archer days, it was Ronald Reagan's memory lapses that were more unmercifully seized upon by the satirists of the time as I recall, e.g., https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gL5EWFow6N4