Interesting, Paul. I note that you are based in Australia where the various Labor governments and the Liberals in Tasmania seem to be very much into the Superpower idea in Ross Garnaut's sense of the word, which is not the same as RethinkX's though they surely overlap in practice. Over here in supposedly clean green Ao/NZ, we seem to be missing the bus thanks to what seems like a de facto, Boardwalk Empire-style alliance of rentier-like owners of the existing generation system and Greens advocating degrowth, with just about nobody championing a dash for renewables lest it cause a price crash (rentiers) or short term carbon blip (degrowth school). Solar panels on rooftops are a rare sight as yet. Must declare a personal interest here, as I have just calculated an almost NZ $1,000 monthly power bill, admittedly in a shady hollow in Queenstown.