1 min readMay 27, 2019
Well it specifically says 39 per cent having trouble with food affordability in this American Progress story, to which Umair’s link is busted incidentally:
“48 percent of voters report a serious problem with “finding a decent job with good wages.
- “42 percent of voters report a serious problem “paying a credit card balance.
- “39 percent of voters report a serious problem with “being unable to get medical care because of the cost.
- “39 percent of voters report a serious problem with “having too little money to buy food.
- “36 percent of voters report a serious problem with “falling behind in gas, electric, or phone bills.
- “28 percent of voters report a serious problem with “falling behind in rent or mortgage payments.
These undoubtedly overlap, i.e. it would be the same 40 per cent ticking most of the boxes every time.