Yes, there is a long interview-article about Anna Funder (and Eric B) by Linda Herriclk in this week's New Zealand Listener (paywalled), about Orwell's "smelly little truths" as Herrick calls them.

Herrick falls some way short of suggesting that Orwell should be canceled, but It would be most ironic if he were eventually to go down the memory hole, would it not?

The other thing I notice just in passing is that it is always Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four, and at a stretch Homage to Catalonia, with the literary set. What about The Road to Wigan Pier? Or is that too much like a Ken Loach movie?

Chris Harris, PhD
Chris Harris, PhD

Written by Chris Harris, PhD

I am an urban historian from Aotearoa New Zealand. With an engineering background, I also have a PhD in planning and economics.

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